Why Are Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments Important?

Why Are Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments Important?


The spine is a complex system of vertebrae, discs, joints, and muscles that enable us to move, twist, and bend. The boney structure of the spine encases and protects the spinal cord, which has three primary responsibilities:  

  1. Send motor commands to the brain and body. 
  2. Send sensory information from the body to the brain. 
  3. Coordinate reflexes 

Minor imbalances or subluxations (misalignments) of the vertebrae can irritate spinal nerves. This can impair the relay of information that gets passed back and forth between the brain and body, causing pain and discomfort and limiting mobility throughout the body. 

Chiropractic adjustments can relieve these issues by using manual or instrument-assisted techniques to apply a focused, comfortable force to the spinal components, restoring their proper position. This process helps to normalize spinal alignment, reduce neurological symptoms, relieve muscular strain, and promote improved mobility and flexibility, among other health-related benefits. 

Why Chiropractors Focus on Alignment

The purpose of spinal adjustments by a chiropractor is to correct subluxations or imbalances in the spine that cause improper spinal alignment. These subluxations or imbalances can cause pain and discomfort and limit mobility. Most importantly, they cause problems with the information carried along the nerves to and from the brain and body. Chiropractic adjustments use manual or instrument-assisted techniques to apply focused force to the spinal components, restoring their proper position. By normalizing spinal alignment, chiropractic adjustments can reduce neurological symptoms, relieve muscular strain, and promote improved mobility and flexibility, among other health-related benefits. 

Chiropractic adjustments are a non-invasive, drug-free approach to pain relief and improved mobility, making them a great alternative to surgery or medication. Adjustments are safe for most individuals and are tailored to suit each patient’s needs and individualized movement goals. 

Benefits of Chiropractic Adjustment

Chiropractic adjustments are a non-invasive, drug-free approach to pain relief and improved mobility, making them a great alternative to surgery or medication. Adjustments are safe for most individuals and are tailored to suit each patient’s needs and individualized movement goals. Other benefits include: 

  • Reduced pain and discomfort: Chiropractic adjustments can relieve pain and discomfort associated with subluxations or imbalances in the spine. 
  • Improved mobility and flexibility: By restoring proper spinal alignment, chiropractic adjustments can improve mobility and flexibility, making everyday activities more comfortable. 
  • Enhanced nervous system function: The spinal cord carries nerve impulses throughout the body. A properly aligned spine can improve nervous system function, boosting overall health and well-being. 
  • Non-invasive approach: Chiropractic adjustments are a non-invasive medical approach to pain relief and improved mobility. This makes chiropractic a great alternative to surgery or medication. 
  • Safe for all agesChiropractic adjustments are safe for most individuals, including newborns, and can be tailored to suit the needs of each patient. 

Conditions That Benefit From a Chiropractic Adjustment

While most people only associate chiropractic with treating back, neck, or hip pain, chiropractors can treat many more conditions! Your chiropractor will not replace your primary care physician. Still, you can think of your chiropractor as the member of your healthcare team that you turn to for any muscle, bone, or joint pain.  

With that in mind, other conditions that your chiropractor can treat include: 

  • Arthritis 
  • Headaches or chronic migraines 
  • Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ) 
  • Whiplash and concussions 
  • Sciatica 
  • And other musculoskeletal injuries as a result of sports or work injuries 

Your MCR chiropractor will ensure that your joints and muscles are perfectly balanced so you can regain and maintain movement to reach optimal health. 

What to Expect From Your Chiropractic Adjustment

During your first appointment, referred to as your initial evaluation, the chiropractor will assess your spinal alignment and check for any imbalances causing your health challenges. They will also review your medical history and discuss your preferred activities and any difficulties you may have that limit your activity level.  

If you’re a good candidate for a chiropractic adjustment, the chiropractor will use manual or instrument-assisted techniques to restore proper spinal alignment. Your chiropractor will thoroughly communicate what they are doing and give you the time to become comfortable and ask any questions. As the patient, you are in the drivers-seat the entire session. 

While undergoing a chiropractic adjustment, you may hear a popping or cracking sound. Not to worry, this is very normal! In fact, your chiropractor will be happy to explain that the sounds and sensations result from trapped gases escaping from within the joints as they are returned to their optimal position. 

Time to Align Your Health with Chiropractic

If you’re ready to improve your health, mobility, and overall well-being, MCR Chiropractic should be your first call!  Call your nearest MCR Chiropractic  location or complete the form below to request an appointment

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  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK544267/
  • https://www.spine-health.com/treatment/chiropractic/chiropractic-adjustment
  • https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/chiropractic-adjustment/about/pac-20393513
  • https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/21033-chiropractic-adjustment