Is Your Posture Causing Your Back Pain?

Is Your Posture Causing Your Back Pain?


As a child, you were probably often reminded about sitting up straight. But enter adulthood, and it’s every man and woman for themselves. Long hours seated at a desk, compact laptops with small screens, and long commutes mean our posture is often compromised. And, with the addition of smartphones, tablets, and hand-held gaming devices, we are even more at risk of poor posture wreaking havoc on our health.  

Why Your Posture Is Important

It turns out that good posture is vital for more than just exuding confidence. Sitting and standing with strong trunk muscles to support good spinal alignment can help prevent back pain, spinal dysfunction, joint degeneration, and so much more. How you sit, stand, and lie down can have a major impact on your health.  

Poor posture can decrease your flexibility, joint mobility, and your balance. One primary focus of chiropractic is to teach patients how to attain proper posture and improve the balanced muscle strength needed to maintain that optimal position. Your chiropractor can help you understand the importance of posture and give you valuable training to help you achieve it daily. 

How Posture Benefits from Chiropractic

Chiropractors take the time to understand your daily routine and the activities you perform most often. They will teach you how to perform your exercises with ideal posture, protecting you from preventable injuries.  

Here are five ways your posture will benefit from working with a chiropractor.

1. Reduce Negative Changes to Your Spine 

Stresses on your spine can actually cause changes in the structure of your spine. The stress caused by sitting with rounded shoulders and a forward head can eventually damage your spinal discs, muscles, joints, and the nerves and blood vessels traveling through your spine.  

Your spine is designed to operate most effectively when it is properly aligned. When you move, sit, and stand in ways that disrupt the alignment of your spine, you can create problems over time. Working with a chiropractor on your spinal alignment will significantly benefit your posture and overall health. 

2. Promote Good Circulation

Your entire body, including your spine, requires good circulation to operate correctly and to regenerate from damage and wear and tear. When you maintain proper spinal alignment, your blood vessels are not constricted by the pressure of your vertebrae.  

Your chiropractor will guide you through various exercises that help with posture, stabilization, joint mobility, and flexibility. You will be better equipped to maintain ideal posture and optimal circulation thanks to your hard work. 

3. Newfound Strength, Mobility, and Balance

If it has been a while since you thought about your posture, you most likely will benefit from focusing on it. So, right now, let’s do a posture check while you are sitting down. Here’s what proper sitting posture should look like:  


Sit up with your back straight and your shoulders back. Your buttocks should touch the back of your chair. All 3 normal back curves should be present while sitting. You can use a small, rolled-up towel or a lumbar roll to help maintain the normal curves in your back. 

How’d you do? The stronger and more flexible you get, the less likely you are to suffer from back pain regularly.  

It may take some time to gain the strength and flexibility necessary to keep the ideal posture.  Fortunately, through your partnership with your MCR chiropractor, you will become more aware of your posture and how to correct it.  

4. Move Better with Improved Posture

Most people think of posture as stationary, like sitting at a desk or standing in line for an extended period. But good posture is vital in every move we make. 

Your chiropractor will help you learn how to maintain good posture during your favorite activities. From running and biking to gardening and household chores, your improved posture in each activity will lessen the wear and tear you put on your spine. You will reduce the risk of developing back pain from your most frequent actions, giving you a good reason to stand tall and proud. 

5. Safety When Lifting

Good posture is vital to lifting objects without the risk of injury. Failing to use good posture or movement mechanics when lifting can significantly increase your chance of being injured.  

During your chiropractic appointments, the focus is on you and helping you extend your wellness to your everyday activities.  Each visit will begin with ensuring you are in a proper “neutral” spine position. Then, with your chiropractor’s knowledge of the musculoskeletal system, they will help you learn how to navigate your favorite activities safely. They can even design your exercise program to include strengthening activities that mimic your most frequent movements. Because your program is uniquely designed for you, the outcome will be a healthcare regimen that is precisely what you need to regain and maintain optimal health and wellness.  

Reduce Back Pain and Feel Your Best

At MCR Chiropractic, we are committed to empowering you to achieve a lifetime of health and wellness. If you are suffering from back pain, we are here to help! Call your nearest MCR Chiropractic location or complete the form below to request an appointment.  

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