Chiropractic Is For Every Stage of Adulthood 

Chiropractic Is For Every Stage of Adulthood 

Chiropractic is for every stage of adulthood

Chiropractic care can change your life; from addressing chronic conditions like arthritis to treating high-level athletes, chiropractors have the training, knowledge, and skills to help people of all ages and abilities live full and active lives. Throughout each decade of your adulthood, chiropractors can offer innovative solutions and expert guidance to mitigate pain, maintain fitness, and proactively prepare for your future. 

Adulthood by the Decade 


Staying active as a young adult is a great way to establish healthy lifestyle choices. Chiropractors can help you deal with any new aches or pains while also helping to meet your fitness goals and build a comprehensive exercise regimen to keep you moving.   


Priorities may begin to shift in your 30s (i.e. starting a family, increasing work responsibilities, or parental caregiving), and it can be difficult to maintain healthy habits while trying to navigate this new time in your life. Chiropractors can help determine the origins of pain or discomfort in your sleep, nutritional, and exercise needs, and then create a comprehensive plan constructed around your busy schedule to meet those goals. If work-related injuries occur, our chiropractors can help you recover so you can return back to work with less likelihood of recurrence in the future.  


As we age, aches and pains may begin to creep up. While remaining active in our 40s can lead to longer life expectancy and inhibit the development of chronic diseases, it can be difficult to stay active when neck, back, and joint pain arises. Chiropractors will prescribe stretches and exercises that will mitigate this pain and get you back to doing what you love.  


Chronic pain (such as arthritis) affects millions of Americans each year. Through a customized program focused on improving strength, stamina, and flexibility, a chiropractor will be able to help you manage or diminish pain without the use of medication. These tools can also decrease the need for surgical intervention. One study has even shown that seeing a chiropractor before seeking surgical procedures reduced the odds of having spinal surgery from 42.7% to 1.5%.  

60s & Beyond 

If surgical intervention is necessary (such as knee or hip replacements), chiropractic is a fantastic resource for pre-habilitation. Studies have shown that performing range of motion, strength, aerobic, balance, and flexibility training prior to undergoing surgery is less likely to require inpatient rehabilitation and often have faster recovery times.  

During this phase of aging, balance and stability are key to staying active, preventing falls and injuries, and remaining independent. Chiropractors can benchmark the needs of this generation of adults to determine specific risks related to falls, injuries, or other life-altering risks. Once the areas of risk are identified with an individual patient, they’re able to preemptively adjust the spine to improve flexibility and mobility to increase balance and provide exercises and activities that strengthen muscles in order to reduce the risk of falls. 

Chiropractors are Your Partners for the Spectrum of Life 

Your chiropractor at MCR Chiropractic is your lifelong partner in health. Whether you’re an athlete looking to treat an injury, an up-and-coming mother, or simply someone wishing to enjoy a more active, fulfilling life, chiropractic care through MCR Chiropractic can give you the necessary tools to reach your full potential.  

At MCR Chiropractic, we are committed to empowering you to achieve a lifetime of health and wellness. Call your nearest MCR Chiropractic to schedule an appointment, or complete the form below!

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